We're excited to share some significant updates on our inaugural Data Science for All / Empowerment program, making major strides towards Correlation One's commitment to provide free data analytics training to 10,000 people in the next three years and provide equal access to the jobs of tomorrow.


  • We have received over 5,000 applications from candidates in 48 states and expect thousands more in the coming weeks.
  • We have secured partnerships with 30+ organizations, including the National Society of Black Engineers, Historically Black Colleges and Universities, and Hire Heroes.
  • The quality of applicants is outstanding. Our assessments have surfaced hard-to-find talent, and we expect with technical training and professional development, to connect this under-represented talent to jobs and opportunity.


Reaching under-represented talent is extremely challenging. The market is highly fragmented, and there isn't one place "to go" to find diverse STEM talent.

We have leveraged our deep university networks, hundreds of local groups, and dozens of nationwide partnerships to raise awareness of our program.

The incredibly strong value proposition--free merit-based entry, world class training, professional development, and access to the jobs of tomorrow--is resonating, as shown in the applicant numbers below.

We have had over 5,000 applications in the 5 weeks since registrations opened, and expect around 10,000 applications for our first 500-person cohort. Over the 3 year duration of the program, we expect 100,000+ applications.

The number of applications of Data Science for All grows exponentially over 6 weeks.


The diversity of applicants is robust, with 50%+ female and ~50% African American. Our target demographics are Black, Hispanic, LGBTQ+, military vets, and women.

Diversity in data science. The diversity of applicants is robust,with 50%+ female and ~50% African American. Our target demographics are Black, Hispanic, LGBTQ+, military vets, and women.

The educational background and professional experience of our applicants is also impressive:

Diversity in data science. Data science for all. Empowerment free data analytics training program.

48 states are represented among our nationwide applicant pool.

Our professional applicants have on average six years of work experience.

Our applicants also shared their areas of interest and academic expertise:

Data Science for All Empowerment applicants interest and fields of study.

The schools with the highest number of applicants also illustrate the diversity and strength of our applicant pool. Universities with the highest representation include both top national colleges and Ivy League universities, as well as elite Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs). Hundreds of individuals who have attended or are currently attending an HBCU have applied to the program, with representation from over 35 HBCUs nationally.


Our goal is not simply to train a group of individuals, but rather to build an ecosystem that helps create equal access to the jobs of tomorrow. With that in mind, we are building partnerships with "Impact Organizations", which are organizations--non-profits, professional associations, think tanks, etc.--that can help with our goal.

We have forged relationships with a number of excellent organizations as strategic Impact Partners. These partners each contribute unique value to the program, based on their missions, membership, and goals. They include:

Equal access to the future jobs of data science. Diversity in data science. Data Science for All, Empowerment.

Corporate demand for sponsoring the program is extremely strong. To find out more about how you can get involved with this important initiative, either as a participant or a sponsor, please get in touch.

Publish date: September 10, 2020