On October 25th, we at Correlation One, held the inaugural Data Science for All: Women's Summit. Conceptually, the Women's Summit set out to deliver the crucial ingredients that many women do not receive over the course of their careers professional mentorship, connections to other women in their field, and practical training. Additionally, we wanted to make sure we connected the women who applied and were selected, to elite employers as part of the Summit's career fair. It was also extremely important that we deliver these benefits to our participants for free.

By the time we closed the application window, we received just under 1,000 applications for 75 spots. We also received numerous applications from amazing women who were eager to support the initiative as mentors.

Correlation One. A 2019 Data Science for All: Women's Summit Recap. Women in Data Science
The day kicked off with an inspiring and instructive keynote speech from Citadel Securities' Head of ETF, Kelly Brennan. 
Correlation One. A 2019 Data Science for All: Women's Summit Recap. Women in Data Science

As part of the program, mentees were grouped into three- and four-person teams. Each team worked together to analyze data sets, develop models based on the training curriculum, and prepare then deliver a presentation highlighting their findings.

Correlation One. A 2019 Data Science for All: Women's Summit Recap. Women in Data Science
After the keynote, teams took time to make final tweaks to their presentations. 
Correlation One. A 2019 Data Science for All: Women's Summit Recap. Women in Data Science
Teams presented their findings to mentors, employers who supported the initiative through sponsorship, and fellow mentees. 
Correlation One. A 2019 Data Science for All: Women's Summit Recap. Women in Data Science
Each team participated in a post-presentation Q&A, taking questions from the audience about their findings.

After presentations, a panel featuring Wendy Harrington (Head of Nuveen Labs), Kirk McKeown (Managing Director & Head of Proprietary Research at Point72), Nancy Gordon (Managing Director at EY), and Mike Frumin (Science Site Lead for Lyft NYC), got together to discuss Data Science, AI, the gender gap, and other important workplace issues.

Correlation One. A 2019 Data Science for All: Women's Summit Recap. Women in Data Science
Data Science For All: Women's Summit Panel Discussion

The two-week summit culminated in a career fair where employers and mentees got the chance to talk more about their data science work-to-date as well as career aspirations.

Correlation One. A 2019 Data Science for All: Women's Summit Recap. Women in Data Science
Representatives from Two Sigma sharing insights about employing data science in Finance
Correlation One. A 2019 Data Science for All: Women's Summit Recap. Women in Data Science
Platinum Sponsors Citadel & Citadel Securities connecting with Women's Summit Mentees

Data Science for All 2020
We have been thrilled by the reception to our inaugural program, and recently announced that we will be expanding the women's summit in 2020.

In addition to hosting a larger summit next fall in New York City, we will also be hosting programs in San Francisco and London. To apply to participate in our San Francisco program, or to inquire about sponsorship opportunities, please visit us at correlation-one.com/ds4a!

Correlation One. A 2019 Data Science for All: Women's Summit Recap. Women in Data Science



Publish date: November 13, 2019