C1 Insights: AI

C1 Insights BLOG

The Secret Behind Generative AI High Performers: Talent Strategy

A new survey from McKinsey & Company on the use of generative AI in enterprise organizations...

6 Facts about the State of AI Upskilling

When you consider that generative AI could save 300 billion work hours annually, AI upskilling...

Unlocking the Potential of Generative AI for Business: How Commercial Teams Can Harness Transformative New Technology

It’s both an exciting and an intimidating time. Generative AI is rapidly transforming business on a...

The HR Leader’s Guide to Building a GenAI-Powered HR Function

The integration of generative AI (GenAI) in human resources is more than just a fad; it's a major...

Upskill, Reskill, or Hire? For GenAI, You Need All Three

Businesses are betting big on generative AI. A recent report from IDC forecasts investment of...

How HR Leaders Can Guide the GenAI Revolution

The rapid advancement of generative AI (GenAI) is not just reshaping industries; it’s rewriting the...

People, Process, and Tech: Dataiku’s Claire Gubian on AI and the Enterprise 

When it comes to AI in the enterprise, the question is no longer if organizations will adopt the...

6 Key Takeaways from the AI Council’s Inaugural CHRO Dinners

As generative AI (GenAI) advances and adoption continues to rise, HR leaders know that they need to...

How Private Equity Firms Can Prepare Their Portfolio Companies for AI

As PE firms seek to enhance the value of their portfolio companies, the integration of AI is no...

How Revenue Leaders Can Drive Sales Pipeline With AI

Revenue leaders today face a daunting challenge: how to consistently fuel their sales pipeline with...

AI for the Entire Organization: Specialists, Generalists, and Executives

As artificial intelligence (AI) continues to redefine the boundaries of technology and business, it...

Why Data Literacy is the Foundation of AI Readiness

In our fast-paced, data-driven world, organizations are increasingly recognizing the transformative...

How to Address Automation Anxiety as a Digital Transformation Leader

Embracing digital transformation is no longer a choice but a necessity for businesses seeking to...

Let’s Chat About ChatGPT: What Business Leaders Should Know About AI and the Future of Work

As AI-based innovations like ChatGPT gain momentum, it’s never been more important for businesses...

What All Data Scientists and Business Leaders Need to Know about Data Ethics and AI Bias

A necessary step in our ongoing national reckoning on systemic racism involves looking beneath the...