Drive productivity and innovation with generative AI skills


Join leading Fortune 500 businesses, multilateral agencies, and public sector organizations

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Generative AI is here to stay


of organizations believe most of their employees use AI daily


Expected increased productivity from generative AI

Skills development

Increase efficiency with
AI training for employees

Empower your workforce with generative AI skills to boost productivity, reduce costs, and accelerate innovation at your organization. Go beyond the basics with training that enables your team to integrate generative AI into critical workflows and maximize its impact organization-wide.
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The approach

Enhance productivity with custom
AI training for employees

Brand elements

Generative AI fundamentals

Establish a concrete understanding of generative AI’s core principles, capabilities, and limitations.


Tailored implementation

Gain industry and role-specific best practices for generative AI use from an expert network of instructors.


Real-world execution

Enable employees to apply new skills to bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical application.


Internal Competitions

Promote the adoption of generative AI tools and nurture a community of AI champions.

Hands-on experience

Put generative AI
skills into practice

Real-world “capstone” projects enable actionable next steps from generative AI training. Employees use their knowledge in projects to improve workflows and deliver tangible results.
Organization-wide impact

Enable a holistic training experience



Increase skills and employee engagement with AI tools

  • Develop strong AI literacy across the workforce
  • Contextualize AI training to your industry and workforce needs
  • Identify, evaluate, and prioritize AI use cases
  • Prepare employees to embrace and implement generative AI

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Enhance operations and efficiency

  • Demonstrate tangible ROI and cost savings to your stakeholders
  • Address workflow inefficiencies to strengthen innovation and collaboration
  • Ensure responsible AI deployment and risk mitigation
  • Follow the latest AI regulations, ethical standards, and best practices

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Upgrade tools and optimize workflows with generative AI

  • Evaluate relevant generative AI tools and resources
  • Build and develop custom AI tools based on organizational needs
  • Integrate AI tools into employees’ day-to-day
  • Strengthen your AI data privacy and security measures

Use cases

Integrate generative AI into core functions

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Training outcomes

  • Greater efficiency 
  • Reduced costs
  • Automated operations

Real-world project examples

  • Resource allocation optimization
  • Vendor performance analysis
  • Automated reporting



Training outcomes

  • Revenue growth
  • Improved targeting
  • Higher customer engagement

Real-world project examples

  • Streamlined sales development representative (SDR) prospecting
  • Lead scoring and prioritization
  • Personalized sales outreach
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Human Resources

Human resources

Training outcomes

  • Increased employee retention
  • Stronger hiring outcomes
  • Better candidate experience

Real-world project examples

  • Employee attrition prediction
  • Recruitment process automation
  • Sentiment analysis on employee feedback
Proven model

Upskill with Correlation One


Achieve clear ROI with
generative AI skills training

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High returns

$24 million+

in annual cost savings from AI-enabled solutions

Employee engagement


training completion rate

Skills development


AI coaches to support your employees

Trusted partner

Strengthen your workforce with generative AI skills training

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Human resources

Ensure your workforce is ready for the AI economy

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Data leaders

Establish generative AI skills across your organization



Develop generative AI proficiency

Amplify the impact of generative AI across your organization


Key questions: AI training for employees


The impact of generative AI in the workplace is significant with both negative and positive implications. Its use in the workplace offers organizations:

  • Enhanced productivity
  • Cost savings
  • Faster innovation
  • Better decision-making
  • Stronger results.

However, generative AI doesn’t come without risk. Data security, misinformation, and regulatory compliance are all risks that AI training for employees can help mitigate.

The majority of your employees already use generative AI, despite most lacking proper skills and training. As a result, it’s best to holistically upskill your workforce by offering generative AI training to all employees from individual contributors to technical directors and senior business executives. 

Our AI training for employees accommodates a wide range of seniority levels and business functions. As a result, we train both:

  • Business teams who want programmatic AI frameworks and strategies
  • Technical teams who need to bridge the gap with business counterparts and enhance cross-functional collaboration
Our training solutions are tailored to a variety of audiences, from executive teams to technical individual contributors. We offer strategic executive workshops and customized training solutions for generalists and specialists that range from 3 weeks to 4 months, depending on the breadth of your needs. By equipping your workforce with the skills to effectively use generative AI, your organization will see productivity gains, cost savings, and a quicker pace of innovation. Trained employees can use generative AI to improve decision-making and strengthen cross-functional collaboration for better organizational outcomes. Employee training also helps:
  • Mitigate AI risks such as data security, misinformation, and regulatory compliance
  • Increase AI tool adoption and integration into daily workflows
Yes, Correlation One partners with leading enterprises and public sector organizations to create custom generative AI training solutions for your in-house teams. Our upskilling programs focus on more than just skills development to drive transformative change across your organization.

Our industry-leading expert network comprises over 1200+ global subject-matter experts, including data science and AI researchers at top academic institutions such as Harvard, MIT, Stanford, Carnegie Mellon, Oxford, Columbia, and Yale. This extensive network, combined with our in-house subject matter experts design our AI curriculum to ensure:

  • Our programs are grounded in the latest technological developments
  • Anticipate emerging trends in the generative AI landscape