Without the ability to meet face-to-face and tour physical locations, candidates and hirers alike are struggling to make the connections that lead to a successful placement. Companies must re-brand, re-strategize, and re-engineer their talent processes to meet goals.

This is why we launched C1 Connect in April 2020. C1 Connect is an online platform where top data scientists can learn more about the data teams they will be applying for and efficiently showcase their career interests, qualifications, and project work through C1 Connect Datafolios.

C1 Connect provides companies with a new alternative for finding elite, pre-vetted talent and novel ways for companies to promote themselves to our growing community of thousands of active job seekers.

If your firm is actively hiring data talent, we're onboarding new hiring partners for free this Summer as we execute our pilot. Schedule a time to learn more here. 

The candidates on our platform are hand-selected from our community of over 200,000 data scientists that joined us through programs like the Citadel Data Open Championship, Data Science for All: Latin America training program, and the Data Science for All: Women's Summit, constituting our C1 Ecosystem.

With C1 Connect, companies access a top-tier, global talent pool of candidates from all backgrounds. We invite the top members of our global data science network of researchers and professionals to participate in the C1 Connect matchmaking program. Moreover, C1 Connect matches employers with candidates who not only have demonstrated world-class technical skills and knowledge, but have also indicated interest in joining the specific employer.

In June, C1 Connect members matched with 15 companies. June Match participants include:

– 53% of candidates with Master's degrees

– Another over 20% of candidates with PhDs

– Degrees earned from top universities across the world such as Stanford, MIT, ETH Zurich, University of Cambridge & Oxford, UWaterloo, Moscow State University, and University of Sydney

– Applicants from 10 different countries

Companies including the below joined us for June Matchmaking:

ZS, iex, twitch, causaLens are joining for matchmaking

Featuring jobs like Business Intelligence Analyst, Analyst, Data Engineer, Data Scientist, and Machine Learning Researcher.

C1 Connect Company Profiles

C1 Connect Company Profiles

Across industries, companies are challenged to define the difference between a great data scientist, data analyst, and data engineer on job descriptions. This makes it difficult for candidates to understand what their day-to-day responsibilities will be, how certain jobs will impact their career trajectories, and how common job titles like 'data scientist' differ from one company to another.

On C1 Connect, Employers build Company Profiles to showcase their data team operations and open roles. Each month, Correlation One shares Company Profiles from our hiring partners, featuring active opportunities candidates can 'raise their hands for.'

C1 Connect Candidate Datafolios

C1 Connect Candidate Datafolios


After Correlation One distributes our monthly batch of active Data profiles, we send out a survey where candidates rank their top choices for employment. Using our C1 Connect Talent Match algorithm, we provide our hiring partners candidate short lists (15-20 candidates) who match job requirements, featuring their resumes, LinkedIn/GitHub/project profiles, and C1 Connect Datafolios, a visual snapshot of data projects that allows employers to get a more nuanced and data science centered understanding of candidates.

When there's a match, C1 works with the candidate to take the appropriate 'next steps' in the candidate experience.

C1 Connect: Join us

Despite structural changes and a global transition to remote working environments, Correlation One has helped over 1000 top data scientists connect with employers through its C1 Connect monthly matchmaking program since April. In addition to helping maintain hiring activity in compliance with new social distancing requirements, our hiring partners have been able to increase their geographic reach and interview candidates from around the world without travel expenses or long journeys.

If your firm is actively seeking new data talent, you can start building your company's data profile here. If you would like to learn more about how the platform can help you hire with confidence please get in touch.

Publish date: July 20, 2020