DS4A / Jordan: The Role of AI and Data Science in Jordan’s Future

This past September, Correlation One celebrated the launch of our new DS4A / Jordan analytics training program in Amman. The reception was joined by the Jordanian Minister of Digital Economy and Entrepreneurship, US Embassy delegates, and reps from Jordanian private sector and non-profit organizations. 


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On September 12th and under the umbrella of the Jordan Source, a vision by HRH the Crown Prince, implemented by the Jordanian Ministry of Digital Economy and Entrepreneurship (MoDEE) officially announced the Data Science for All / Jordan program (DS4A / Jordan).

This flagship national program — based on Correlation One’s own award-winning data analytics training model —  will follow 50 Fellows in Jordan through a highly specialized, 10-week data analytics program and curriculum. 


This September, the Correlation One team gathered in Amman to host the DS4A Jordan Program Launch reception in the presence of Minister of Digital Economy and Entrepreneurship Ahmad Hanandeh, a delegation from the US embassy, and representatives of the private sector and non-profit organizations. 


H.E. Ahmad Hanandeh, the Minister of Digital Economy and Entrepreneurship, commented, “To become a global talent hub, Jordan must attract international employers. The DS4A / Jordan program aims to achieve this by providing free, pioneering training to our talented but underemployed and unemployed workforce, including women and refugees. We’re excited to partner with Correlation One under Jordan Source to conduct this job training program that will get the attention of top companies and let them know that Jordan is the place to assemble a workforce in data and digital skills.”


“In today’s evolving markets, data literacy is fast becoming a competitive edge for individuals, enterprises and governments,” said Correlation One Co-Founder and Co-CEO, Shamsudeen Mustafa. “As a result, we’re excited to be bringing our world-renowned DS4A program to Jordan, whose economy boasts vast tech potential and eager young minds willing to learn. They will also network with like-minded professionals and demonstrate their ability to add business value to our prestigious Partner Employers. In doing so, they not only establish successful careers, but also support the growth of various data-driven sectors and consequently contribute to nationwide prosperity.”


In turn, Correlation One Country Manager, Shahed Atieh, stated, “There’s immense untapped talent and human capital in Jordan. Our work is focused on creating opportunities for this talent by providing world-class education and then connecting them with global employers who are looking for new pools of talent. We want to be the bridge between talent and opportunity in Jordan and are excited to launch our operations here.”


Watch a video of the reception here!





With the rise of the data economy and its potential impacts upon the business and public sectors, there are significant potential benefits for governments like that of Jordan who seek to train citizens in data analytics.

Some principal benefits of AI include:

  • Policy shaping

Example: Using AI to interpret satellite imagery and identify water shortages beforehand

  • Policy implementation

Example: Using AI to identify and reduce redundancy and waste across agencies, thus
eliminating the loss of productivity of millions of hours a year

  • Enhanced service delivery

Example: Using AI to help citizens pinpoint a government agency that can serve their exact needs to access public goods and services quickly 


Curious to learn how your state, local, or federal government might partner with us to nurture workforce data skills? Learn how we help governments prepare their workforces for the data economy.


Publish date: October 31, 2022