Stanford Team Wins $30,000 at the First Terminal Global Championship

After three weeks of heated competition, Team 'Smite' from Stanford beat out Cambridge & ETH Zurich, Princeton, and Waterloo in the Final Four to claim the title of Terminal Global Champions.  

This was the first Terminal tournament on a global scale, with over 5,000 students from around the world competing in the Spring Season. Teams from 17 different universities were selected to participate in the Championship based on their performance in regional competitions.

Watch the Final Four showdown here as each team's AI algorithm goes head-to-head:


The Terminal Global Championship, sponsored by Citadel and Citadel Securities in partnership with Correlation One, is a game-based AI competition for university students.  Our competitions are the most prestigious data science and coding events for university students around the world, and an opportunity for employers to engage the world’s top AI talent, and identify truly elite candidates.


Publish date: May 14, 2021