Year in Review 2023: A Look at Correlation One's Growth, Programs, and Partnerships

Throughout 2023, Correlation One sought to empower countless individuals from all walks of life. Our Terminal and Datathon competitions, data skills assessments, and training programs are designed to unlock data fluency for individuals and enterprises around the world. Let’s reflect on what we have accomplished over the past year!


In January, we started the year strong by kicking off our Spring Event Series in partnership with Citadel and Citadel Securities. Our busiest event season of 2023, the Spring schedule included 10 events, both Terminal and Datathon competitions, across 3 months.

From a training programs perspective, January was equally exciting! With Amazon, we launched the fifth and sixth cohorts of our Data Analytics programs, in addition to introducing several new programs, such as Software/Web Development and Data Center Technician. Through these initiatives, Correlation One has trained over 2,000 Amazon Associates.


In February, we hosted our first-ever Women’s Datathon, in person in Miami. 

Women represent 46% of the workforce, but only 23% of jobs in STEM. Women’s Datathon was an empowering effort to increase the representation of women in data science and finance. The competition introduced young women to Citadel data scientists, providing opportunities, exposure, and inspiration for more women to pursue careers in the field. We are pleased to share that this event will be returning in 2024.


Right on the heels of Women’s Datathon, we were excited to open applications for our 5th cohort of DS4A Women. The program is designed to increase the number of qualified women leaders in data and analytics, and includes seven weeks of instructor-led technical training, professional development workshops, and mentorship from senior industry leaders. 


This month, DS4A Data Engineering program launched, after receiving an extraordinary 7,000 applications. The program is focused on teaching in-demand, core competencies in Data Engineering. The previous program resulted in marketable talent, with nearly two-thirds of Fellows landing new roles within 6 months of program completion. 


We kicked off a new partnership with Merck/ MSD, hosting two regional Datathons for students and professionals in North America and Europe/India. The events were a hit, showing participants how their data science skills are not only applicable - but relevant and necessary - to the health and pharmaceutical industry. 


June 2023 was special as the company, led by the Amazon program operations team, was able to participate in 47 Career Choice School Fairs at Amazon Fulfillment Centers across the country. These sessions were an opportunity to engage with past, current, and future Amazon learners to get to know them one-on-one and inform them about Correlation One programs.


At the peak of the summer, our global summer competitions in partnership with Citadel and Citadel Securities were in full swing. Summer Invitational Terminal was the largest event of the year, with 151 participants from across the world. We also hosted our second High School Terminal, designed to give high school students early hands-on programming experience and boost their confidence. 

Gordon Liang, one of the winners of High School Terminal shared his ‘day in the life’ during the competition: “wake up, eat, code, eat, code, eat, code.” He framed it as an invigorating experience, and a “real mental challenge.” 


In August, we wrapped up DS4A Jordan 2.0! Supported by Jordan’s Ministry of Digital Economy and Entrepreneurship and the Digital Skills Association, DS4A Jordan trains Jordanian residents in Advanced Data Analytics to improve employment rates and upskill the country’s workforce. 


In September, Correlation One launched a new event in partnership with Citadel and Citadel Securities: the Quant Challenge! This event is an hour-long, three-stage competition testing math, statistics, and logic involving betting based on the confidence of the answer given. 


Though the summer was winding down for the year, our programs were not. October witnessed the launch of DS4A Fall Fellowship, a career advancement initiative for data professionals with 1-3 years of experience. 


The Global PhD Datathon just keeps on growing! This year, we saw the most applications we’ve had to date,  receiving over 1000 applications from top universities across the world. 

Our only individual competition of the year, each participant produced thought-provoking data-based policy solutions to reduce crime in Chicago, and the winner took home a whopping USD $20K in cash prizes.


As December sets in, preparations for 2024 are underway.

November and December 2023 saw extremely high interest and applications for our January 2024 Amazon programs, with all U.S. cohorts filling well before deadlines. Enrollment decisions are underway, and more than 1,500 learners will start their journey with us in Q1 2024!

Similarly, buzz is in the air about our Spring Event Schedule, in partnership with Citadel and Citadel Securities. Hundreds of students have applied and await admission decisions for Spring 2024 events.

Want to stay in the loop about what else the New Year will bring? Subscribe to the Correlation One newsletter to hear about our events, programs, and thought leadership.

Publish date: January 5, 2024