We are delighted to announce the winning Capstone Projects in the first Cohort of Data Science for All (DS4A) / Empowerment. From over 100 data and analytics projects, these teams were awarded the top prizes.  Read on for details about their research and their chosen non-profit organizations who we are supporting through this initiative.

First Place: How to Help Restaurants Survive Covid-19


The Judges noted that this project was extremely strong in terms of its practical implications and impact on the economic recovery from Covid-19, in addition to the great presentation skills displayed by the team.

We'll be donating US$2,000 to Restaurants Care on behalf of this team.  Here's why they have selected this organization:

"Restaurants and those involved in the industry matter. Our analysis purports the significance of this pain and aims to provide recommendations. We must do more and this is our way to continue on that imperative."

Second Place: Plant A Tree, Save A Life? The Effects of Historical Redlining on Urban Tree Canopy Coverage & Community Health in Los Angeles County


We'll be donating US$1,500 to TreePeople on behalf of this team.  Here's why they have selected this organization:

"TreePeople is a local grassroots organization dedicated to addressing environmental injustice through education, research and community action. Our project was in part derived from open-source data contributed by TreePeople, and would love the opportunity to further their mission."

Third Place: When The Levees Broke - Adding Socioeconomic Dimensionality to Flood Risk Predictive Modeling in Louisiana


We'll be donating US$1,000 to The Gulf Coast Center for Law & Policy on their behalf.  Here's why they have selected this organization:

"The Gulf Coast Center for Law & Policy is doing incredible work at the intersection of racial equity and climate sustainability in the Gulf Coast region, particularly in Louisiana, where the research of our project is focused. Their commitment to advancing structural shifts toward ecological equity and climate justice in the Gulf South communities of color on the frontline of climate change embodies the driving spirit of our work."

Finalist: Aspire to FIRE - How to Reach Financial Independence and Retire Early

DS4A Grand Finalist_Team 38

Congratulations to all the project teams, their mentors, and TA's, for the hard work involved. Our sincere thanks also to the Judges who dedicated their time and expertise to review each of the projects:

DS4A / Empowerment: Judging Panel includes Frank Calderoni, CEO & Chairman Of The Board Of Directors, Anaplan, Frank Cooper III, CMO & Senior Managing Director, Blackrock, Faye Iosotaluno, Chief Strategy Officer, Match Group, Johnny C. Taylor Jr., CEO & President, SHRM

If you're interested in applying to our DS4A / Empowerment programs, click here to check our program.

With the support of our Employer Partners, Mentors, and Impact Partners, we are creating the most diverse data science ecosystem in the world. If you're interested in being part of Data Science for All as a Sponsor or a Mentor, please get in touch.

Publish date: April 1, 2021